Friday, May 16, 2014

Latest charity quilt

When I attended our Guild's retreat last February, I knew we were going to do a mystery. Now these always make me nervous.  Am I going to like it?  What will I do with it?  Since I usually do like them, I decided even before I got there that I would make it as a charity quilt for a baby. That settled the size and made it less stressful to me.  I didn't want to add to my UFO pile - lol.  It is now finished and soon to be gifted to a mom for her new baby through our St Anne's Sewdality at our church.
Debbie Caffrey designed the mystery pattern.  It was a lot of fun, despite my anxiety.


  1. Great accomplishment. Very lovely quilt that will be loved.

  2. mysteries make me nervous, too.. that one turned out great!
