Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Quilting For Good Linky Party #11

Hi, all!

Well, it's that time again (and it's still actually Tuesday - aren't you proud of me?)  So come along and link up blogposts or pics of your charity quilting efforts for the week...

This week, I have something a little different to show.  As you may know, I host a charity quilt challenge on my blog each spring, called Hands2Help.  This year one of the charities we were sponsoring was my church's senior high mission trip to New Orleans.  They go to St. Bernard Parish in New Orleans several times a year, working with school age children in this area which was hit very hard by Hurricane Katrina.  They are still recovering from the devastation, and just a few weeks ago, Hurricane Isaac hit this area again and flooded many families out of their homes again. We have collected nearly 70 quilts to send with the mission team to give out in this area, and here are a couple of pictures of the quilts....

I love this pic - a massive expanse of quilt-y goodness!

And here's a picture of all the quilts laid out on tables so that church members can pray over them before they go to New Orleans.

And just for fun, here's a great picture of my sewing sisters from church - they helped lay out all these quilts for the pictures on Saturday!


And now it's your turn!

Show us what you've been working on this week -

Progress shots,
Finished quilts,
Donations you've sent to others!

It's all Quilting For Good!



This linky list is now closed.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Quilting For Good Linky Party #10

Hi, all!

Tuesday rolls around again, and I've actually remembered it this week!  Woohoo!!  I hope you're ready to share some of your charity quilting from the last week or so - we want to see what you've been working on!

Today I get to share some beautiful quilts that I didn't make - they were placed on my doorstep last Tuesday, while I was having surgery.  And by Thursday, three of them had new homes!

This quilt is going to a woman who just found out that her cancer has returned...

... this one is going to a woman recently diagnosed with lung cancer....

...and this one is going to a child whose entire family was murdered recently.

So thank you, Anonymous Donor - your quilts are already comforting and encouraging people in my neck of the woods!


And now it's your turn!

Show us what you've been working on this week -

Progress shots,
Finished quilts,
Donations you've sent to others!

It's all Quilting For Good!



This linky list is now closed.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Old Glory - QOV

This pattern came from the July/August issue of Quiltmaker. Pattern name is "Old Glory".

I raw appliqued the stars. The top went together quickly and the directions were great.

Kudos to all of you who do your quilting on a regular sewing machine. I struggled just getting the top (no backing or batting) through my machine to do the raw applique.

This quilt is off to Alycia's.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Quilting For Good Linky Party #9

Hi, all!

It's that time again - a chance for you to show and tell about your charity quilting efforts!  Tell us about your favorite place to send quilts, or a story about a particular quilt.  It's all good!

Here's a quilt I worked on last week that was truly a group effort.

The blocks for this quilt were donated to our quilt ministry.  If I remember correctly, they came from Kate, who lives in England and sends us all kinds of goodies when her mom comes back to the US after visiting her.  I think the center blocks are Farmer's Wife blocks - at the very least, they are really intricate paper piecing!  Just gorgeous!  And the two outside rows of blocks came either from Kate or from Sharon - I hate that I can't remember for sure but either way they are very much appreciated - and they were the perfect way to finish off this quilt!   Emilie took these blocks and some muslin squares and pieced the top, Sabrina made the back, and  I quilted and bound it.   This quilt then went to a young woman who has been diagnosed with a rare form of cancer in her leg. She is a single mom with a young child, and has no family in the area.  We hope that this quilt will not only bring her comfort, but remind her that there are people all around her who are praying for her and would be willing to help her in times of need.


So that's just a little bit of what I've been working on this week!  

And now it's your turn!

Show us what you've been working on this week -

Progress shots,
Finished quilts,
Donations you've sent to others!

It's all Quilting For Good!



This linky list is now closed.