Flower Power
August 2015

Country Fair
September 2015

Don’t Fence Me In
September 2015

Virgie’s Wagga Rug
November 2015
Here are four more quankets that I donated to foster kids over the past few months.
In the U.S., there are over 463,000 children living without permanent families in the foster care system. This is a staggering number. Since beginning my Love Hugs project three years ago, I have donated 55 quilts to my county's Child Protective Services. The quilts are given to kids as they enter the foster care system, since a lot of these kids are literally pulled from their homes with nothing more than the clothes on their backs. I hope that the kids that receive one of my quilts feels comforted in knowing that they are loved by someone that doesn't even know them.
If you are a quilter looking for a new outlet for donating your charitable quilts, I hope that you will consider donating to your local child protective services agency.